Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rejection, and Moving On

It's been busy around here. I sent out my first query for my urban fantasy, HIDDEN, last week. And....received a rejection this week.

This is part of the business. I've been writing long enough that this is nothing new to me. It still stings. But the only thing you can do is keep going. Keep writing. Move on to the next agent or publisher on your list.

So, this morning, I dusted myself off, gave myself a pep talk, polished my query letter a bit, and sent it to the next agent.  Fingers crossed.


I have two novellas submitted to Harlequin Nocturne Cravings now. I submitted the first one a few weeks ago, and the second, ABSORBED, went out yesterday.

I have to confess that I love writing novellas. They fit nicely into both my "day job" and the work I'm doing on some of my longer fiction projects. They're fun to write, and they give me the chance to try out genres and topics that I haven't dealt with often. I have ideas for two more that I'll be working on next.


Now that HIDDEN is in the submission stage, and I've done the best I can polishing and primping, I'm getting to work on the next book in the series. I think I threw a lot at my heroine, Molly, in HIDDEN, but she's definitely got her work cut out for her in book two. I'm at the "I am in lust with this book, can't sleep!" phase of writing right now. I'll take it. Because I know that, probably soon, I'll be in the "oh my god what did I get myself into?!" phase. Always a roller coaster.

Back to work!